Friday, November 14, 2014


I hate funerals, I know for many they are a time to relive good memories, to remember, but I have never found joy in those types of situations, in large groups, trying to say goodbye and to share that, which is so, so personal, it is not something that I can do, not comfortably at least.  But today I had to go to a funeral, sorta, you see I could not go to the funeral because I had a super important meeting, but I still had to make sure that the family knew I was thinking of them. It was a person who was once a friend, I had known her and been friends with her from when we were two til sometime in high school, when I fell apart, she left, and I can't blame her. But I think she didn't realize that I had to go her fathers funeral, but not for her, for her mom, because when my dad died, her mom was one of only two people who hunted me out of my hiding place to make sure I knew she was thinking of me, that she was there if I needed her, and that is something that even now means so much to me, the fact that this women who I hadn't seen in years did that, it touched me, so I had to go, I had to go for her.  Sorry, I just had to share that, had to get it off my chest, share it somewhere that it would be around, because it is jot something I do, share well in groups...

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